Finding Specific Information in this Guide
Requirements 1-1
Unit Naming Convention 1-1
“One-to-one” Configuration 1-2
Leased Lines 1-2
Bridging and IP 2-1
Configuration Options 2-1
Configuring the Central Site Unit 2-9
Configuring the Remote Site Unit 2-10
Cancelling ISDN Calls 2-13
Routing IP 3-1
Configuration Options 3-1
Outline of Configuration Procedure 3-2
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Routing IP 3-3
Novell IPX Bridging 4-1
Configuration Options 5-1
Configuring a Central Site Unit for Routing IPX 5-2
Configuring a Remote Unit to Route IPX 5-6
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site 5-9
Configuring the Central Site Unit 5-10
Configuring the Remote Unit 5-12
Requirements 6-1
Configuring a PPP Connection 6-2
About This Guide provides an overview of this guide, describes guide
conventions and tells you where to look for specific information.
This guide describes the basic steps required to configure a unit to
bridge or route IP or IPX data packets to a remote site using ISDN.
This guide is intended to be used by people with some technical
competence. It is not intended for experienced network
administrators configuring extensive and complex networks.
If the information in the release notes shipped with this product
differs from the information in this guide, follow the instructions in
the release notes.
Finding Specific Information in this Guide
This table shows the location of specific information in this guide.
If you are looking for:
Turn to:
The scope of this guide and procedures prior to configuration.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
How to configure IP and bridging between a central site and a
remote site.
How to configure IP routing between a central site and a remote site Chapter 3
How to configure IPX bridging between a central site and a remote
Chapter 4
How to configure IPX routing between a central site and a remote site Chapter 5
How to configure a PPP connection to an Internet Service Provider Chapter 6
Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Notice Type
Information note Important features or instructions
Risk to personal safety, system damage, or loss of data
Risk of severe personal injury
Table 2 Text Conventions
This typeface means you must enter the command
exactly as shown in text and press the Return or Enter
key. Example:
Commands are not case-sensitive.
Screen displays This typeface represents information as it appears on
the screen.
The words “enter”
and “type”
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must
type something, and then press the Return or Enter key.
Do not press the Return or Enter key when an
instruction simply says “type.”
[Key] names
Key names appear in text in one of two ways:
■ Referred to by their labels, such as “the Return key”
or “the Escape key”
■ Written with brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the
key names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
Words in italicized
Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the
place where they are defined in the text.
Words in bold-face
Bold text denotes key features.
This guide is intended to aid the configuration of a unit in a number
of common circumstances. It assumes that the reader is familiar with
basic networking terminology and techniques and has read the
Internetworking Concepts Guide.
Before attempting any configuration of the unit, the IP address (and
subnet mask) of the local area network and the ISDN number of the
unit must be known.
The unit must be powered-up and connected to a correctly functioning
ISDN line, using the supplied cable, following the instructions given in
the unit’s Installation Guide.
Management System Commands
The commands in this guide are always shown in upper-case letters
(for clarity) but they can be entered in either upper- or lower-case
with the exception of passwords and unit names. These are
case-sensitive and must be entered correctly. The default password
for a unit in factory standard configuration (PASSWORD) must be
entered in upper-case letters only.
Unit Naming Convention
Throughout this guide the text uses the convention of “central site
unit” to represent a unit situated on a network at a larger branch or
regional office, to which a number of units may connect using
dial-up ISDN links. The text refers to these latter units as “remote site
units”, which are likely to be situated in smaller offices.
“One-to-one” Configuration
In situations where a very simple connection is required between two
units only, it is recommended that one unit is nominated as the
“central site” (configured first) and the other as the “remote site”
(configured second), following the relevant sequence for each.
Leased Lines
It is good practise that the WAN port of an existing installation which
has already been configured for bridging or routing, and has an
additional fixed-link serial line (sometimes called a “Kilostream” line)
connected to the WAN port, should be disabled prior to the new
Take a note of the current WAN port configuration parameters
before disabling the port and keep it in a safe, accessible place
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the WAN port using the Arrow keys.
3 Enter TY NO to disable the WAN port
4 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
New installations and those units which have been reset to the
factory default configuration have their WAN ports disabled.
Configuration by Telephone
It is possible to connect a standard telephone handset to units which
are fitted with a Voice port. This is a useful configuration aid for units
which have been correctly installed and connected to a functioning
ISDN line. A telephone connected to a central site unit Voice port can
dial the ISDN number of the remote site unit and connect to a
telephone plugged into the remote site unit Voice port. This
connection allows an experienced technician to guide a
less-experienced technician through the configuration steps of the
remote site unit.
This chapter shows how to configure units to operate as bridges,
using the Internet Protocol (IP) data packets between two networks
for management and control only.
Configuration steps are given for:
Manual configuration of the central site unit.
Quick Configuration of the remote unit.
Remote configuration of the remote unit from the central site.
Bridging and IP
It is essential to remember that a bridged network using IP for
management only, even if it consists of several segments, always has
the same IP network address for each segment. If any segment of the
network has a different IP network address, then data must be
routed to and from that network segment.
Configuration Options
When configuring a unit to bridge IP packets using a dial-up ISDN
link between a central site and one or more remote sites, it is
recommended that the central site should be configured manually
The central site unit cannot be automatically configured using the
Quick Configuration facility of the unit because this facility requires a
ready-configured unit to act as a reference point.
The Quick Configuration facility should only be used at a remote site.
Alternatively, the remote site unit can be configured by utilizing the
remote configuration facility (REM) of the central site unit.
Outline of Configuration Procedure
The steps below are intended as an outline of the sequence for
configuring a unit for bridging and IP. They are for guidance only and
must be used in conjunction with the full description given in the
following pages.
There are five basic steps for manual configuration of a unit for
bridging and IP. The sequence for remote configuration of a unit
necessitates a similar sequence with additional steps. The additional
steps are given in “Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site”
on page 2-8. The Quick Configuration facility has three steps.
The five basic steps for manual configuration are:
Assign a unique name to the unit.
Configure a unique IP address for the unit.
Configure the ISDN network type, if required.
It is very important to assign a unique name and IP address to each unit.
Set up the ISDN Numbers table to associate a remote unit name
with an ISDN number.
Make an entry in ISDN Autocall table to associate a unit IP address
with a remote unit name.
The three Quick Configuration steps are:
Assign the unit name, configure the unit IP address and the ISDN
network type (if required).
Specify the ISDN number of the central site unit.
Make a manual call to the central site unit, if required.
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IP
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IP
The central site unit becomes the main host/node for bridging.
CAUTION: Do not reset the unit if has already been installed on the
network and configured to bridge or route IPX, and is required to
continue bridging or routing IPX.
CAUTION: If the unit has already been configured, and it is
necessary to keep some of the settings, take a note of the current
configuration settings and port type and put it in a safe, accessible
If the central site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
1 Press the [Return] key.
2 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
3 Enter CO STD
Do you wish to keep IP Addresses and ISDN parameters.
KEEP (Y/N)? is displayed at the command line. Enter N
This will ERASE all configurations. ERASE (Y/N) is
displayed. Enter Y
System will now reboot is displayed.
7 Follow the on-screen instructions.
8 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
9 Enter SAVE and then enter QUIT
10 Power-cycle the unit by removing and then refitting the power lead.
11 Follow the on-screen instructions.
12 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
Following the above sequence will ensure that the unit is reset to the
factory default configuration and that the unit database is empty.
Assign the Unit Name
The unit must be assigned a unique name. The unit software relies
on associating unit names with ISDN numbers and IP addresses for its
core functionality.
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type a unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters but note that the name is case-sensitive. Do not
include spaces in the unit name.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A valid, unique port IP address is required for the Ethernet port.
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the local network IP address.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Network Type
The ISDN network type parameter must be set to the correct ISDN
service, otherwise connections and data transmission over dial-up
ISDN links will not be possible. In the U.S.A., an additional customer
identification number, known as a Service Provider Identification
Number (SPID) may be required.
1 Enter CO IS PA to display the ISDN Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Network Type field, using the Spacebar, to the correct
ISDN network type as given by the service provider.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate each remote unit name
with an ISDN number and an IP address. Central site autocalls rely on
Configuring a Remote Unit for Bridging and IP
each remote unit having a valid, unique IP address. Ensure that one is
entered for each remote unit.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name of the remote unit in the Name field and the ISDN
number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN IP Autocall Table
Normally, the ISDN Autocall tables are built automatically by the
units. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to manually add
ISDN Autocall entries.
If it is necessary, manually add an entry to the central site unit’s ISDN
Autocall table to associate the remote unit IP address with the
remote unit name.
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to display the ISDN IP Autocall Addresses
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the Autocall table.
3 Type the name of the remote unit in the Remote Unit field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
Configuring a Remote Unit for Bridging and IP
If the remote site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
Follow the sequence of steps for resetting the unit as described in
“Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IP” on
page 2-3.
Configuring a Unit using the “Quick Configuration” Utility
If the central site unit has been configured, the Quick Configuration
utility can be used at the remote site to configure the remote site
Assign the Unit Name, IP Address and Subnet Mask
The remote unit must be assigned a unique name and a valid, unique
IP address appropriate to the IP network environment. The name and
IP address must exactly match the entries in the central site unit’s
ISDN Numbers and ISDN Autocall tables for this remote unit. Set the
ISDN network type to match the ISDN service.
1 Enter QC NA to display the Unit Parameters screen.
2 Type the unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters. Do not include spaces in the unit name.
3 Type a valid IP address for the unit in the Unit LAN IP Address field.
4 Toggle the Network Type field to the correct ISDN network type using
the Spacebar, if required.
5 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Connect to an IP Network
It is important that the central site unit, to which the remote unit will
connect at the completion of this section, has been correctly
configured prior to the connection.
1 Enter QC IPB to display the Connect To The Same IP Network screen.
2 Type the number of the central site unit in the ISDN number of the
remote unit you want to call field.
3 Type the IP address of the central site unit in the IP Address of the
remote host field.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
If the ISDN line has been correctly connected to the units and is
functioning correctly, an automatic call is made to the central site
unit which allows both units to add new entries to their ISDN
Numbers and ISDN Autocall tables.
Configuring a Remote Unit for Bridging and IP
5 When the automatic call has shut down (after approximately 90
seconds), enter CO IS AUTO IP to check the entries in the IP Autocall
6 If there are no new entries in the ISDN Autocall table, check that the
name and ISDN number for the central site unit have been entered
correctly and then repeat steps 1–3 above.
7 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Test the ISDN Numbers and IP Autocall Tables
Before testing the ISDN Number and IP Autocall entries, a manual call
must be made to the central site unit to complete the configuration.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Select the entry for the central site unit using the Arrow keys and
enter CALL
regular intervals to refresh the screen, until the name of the central
site unit appears in the list.
4 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen again.
5 Select the entry for the central site unit and enter CANC to cancel the
6 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Ensure that the ISDN call has been correctly cancelled.
See “Cancelling ISDN Calls” on page 2-13 for how to cancel the call if
it is still up.
To test that the IP Autocall and ISDN Number table entries are
1 Enter REM followed by the name of the central site unit. For example,
if the central site unit is named “london”, then enter REM london
If the tables are working correctly and the ISDN lines are
functioning properly, then the Enter Password screen on the
central site unit will be displayed. Go to step 8, below.
2 If the Enter Password screen on the central site unit is not displayed
within 30 seconds, press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the local unit
management system.
3 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen.
4 If the central site unit name and IP address are not listed, make a
manual call of 5 minutes duration.
5 Enter CALL followed by the central site number.
6 While the call is up, press [Ctrl]+[V] at frequent intervals to refresh
the Remote Units screen. When the central site unit name appears,
cancel the manual call.
7 Enter CANC followed by the central site number. Follow step 1 in this
section for testing the IP Autocall and ISDN Number tables.
If the central site unit name is not listed on the Remote Units screen
after 5 minutes, carefully check the configuration of both the remote
and central site units.
8 Enter QUIT to close the remote management session or press
[Ctrl]+[D] if that command cannot be used.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
A unit at a remote site can be remotely configured as an IP bridge.
The remote management and configuration capability allows the unit
to be configured from the central site, without the need for a
technician to travel to a remote site.
It is good practise to have ensured that the remote unit was restored
to the factory default settings before being despatched to the
remote site.
CAUTION: Prior to despatch, it is essential that the unit has the ISDN
Network Type field configured to match the ISDN network type at
the remote site.
Prior to Despatch
Power on the unit and follow the sequence of steps for resetting the
unit to the factory default configuration, as described in “Manual
Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IP” on
page 2-3.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Configure the ISDN network type to the correct setting for the
remote site, following the sequence of steps described in “Configure
the ISDN Network Type” on page 2-4.
When the unit is received at the remote site, ensure that it is
powered on and that the ISDN Port is connected to a correctly
functioning ISDN line, using the supplied ISDN cable.
Configuring the Central Site Unit
The central site unit must be correctly configured with the following
Unit name (see page 2-4).
A valid IP address (see page 2-4).
The correct ISDN network type (see page 2-4).
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table on the Central Site Unit
The ISDN Numbers table entry on the central site unit must be
completed with the name that the remote unit will have, once that
unit has been fully configured.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name assigned to the remote unit in the Name field and the
ISDN number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Autocall Table on the Central Site Unit
The ISDN Autocall table entry must be completed with the IP address
which the remote unit will have, once that unit has been fully
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to display the ISDN IP Autocall Addresses
2 Enter ADD to add an entry to the ISDN Autocall Addresses table.
3 Type the name assigned to the remote unit in the Remote Unit field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the IP address assigned to the remote unit in the IP Address
5 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Establish a Remote Management Session
A manual call must be placed before the remote configuration of the
remote unit can proceed.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers table.
2 Select the entry for the remote unit using the Arrow keys and enter
3 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen. Press [Ctrl]+[V] at
regular intervals to refresh the screen, until an entry for NoName appears.
4 Select the NoName entry using the Arrow keys and enter
5 The Enter Password screen on the remote unit should be displayed
within 30 seconds.
If the Enter Password screen is not displayed, check that the name
and IP address for the remote unit have been entered correctly on
the central site unit and that the ISDN line is connected and
working normally at both ends of the link.
6 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
Configuring the Remote Site Unit
Assign the Unit Name
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type in the name assigned to the unit in the Unit Name field. The
name must be exactly the same as that used to configure the entry
for this unit in the central site unit ISDN Numbers table.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
Changing the IP address during the remote management session
causes the session to be disconnected when the new IP address is
submitted. This is normal.
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type the IP address assigned to the unit in the Port IP Address field.
The IP address must be exactly the same as that used to configure the
central site unit ISDN Autocall table.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
Submitting the new settings causes the remote management session
to disconnect immediately.
5 Press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the central site unit management screens.
6 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen and press [Ctrl]+[V] to
refresh the screen.
7 Select the entry for the remote unit using the Arrow keys. Note that
the entry now contains the remote unit name and IP address.
8 Enter REM to establish a new remote management session.
9 Enter PASSWORD at the Enter Password screen.
10 Save the new configuration by entering SAVE
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the central site unit name
with its ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add an entry to the ISDN Numbers table.
3 Type the name assigned to the central site unit in the Name field and
the ISDN number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Autocall Table
Set up the ISDN Autocall table to associate the central site unit IP
address with its name.
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to display the ISDN IP Autocall Addresses
2 Enter ADD to add an entry to the ISDN IP Autocall table.
3 Type the name of the central site unit in the Remote Unit field. Ensure
that the name is correctly typed because this field is case-sensitive.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the IP address of the central site unit in the IP Address field.
5 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Close the Remote Management Session
1 Enter QUIT to close the remote management session.
The Remote Units screen on the central site unit is displayed.
Cancel the Manual Call
It is important to remember that a manual call is still running from
the initial connection to the remote unit. The call must be cancelled
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Select the entry for the remote site unit and enter CANC to cancel the
3 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
All manual calls must be cancelled when the unit configuration is
complete. A “call guillotine” operates after 60 minutes (the default
setting) to cancel the calls but during this time, additional,
unnecessary, call charges will have accrued.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Cancelling ISDN Calls
All ISDN calls made by the unit, and those which are being answered
by the unit, can be cancelled using the following technique:
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the first ISDN port using the Arrow keys and enter ED PO
3 Type [Ctrl]+[E] to “submit”. The unit software interprets this as a
configuration change and resets the port, cancelling any calls.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the other ISDN port.
It is good practise to enter SAVE to save the “new” configuration.
This chapter shows how to configure units to route IP data packets
between two networks, using ISDN.
Configuration steps are given for:
Manual configuration of the central site router.
Quick Configuration of the remote router.
Remote configuration of the remote router from the central site.
Routing IP
If data is required to be shared or transferred between IP networks
with different network numbers or subnets, the IP protocol cannot
be bridged and has to be routed.
Configuration Options
When configuring a unit to route IP packets using a dial-up ISDN link
between a central site and one or more remote sites, it is
recommended that the central site should be configured manually first.
The central site unit cannot be automatically configured using the
Quick Configuration facility, because this facility requires a
ready-configured unit to act as a reference point.
The Quick Configuration facility should only be used at a remote site.
Alternatively, the remote site unit can be configured by utilizing the
remote configuration facility (REM) of the central site unit.
Outline of Configuration Procedure
The steps below are intended as an outline of the sequence for
configuring a unit for bridging and IP. They are for guidance only and
must be used in conjunction with the full description given in the
following pages.
There are seven basic steps required for manual configuration of a
unit for routing IP. The sequence for remote configuration of a unit
necessitates a similar sequence with additional steps. The additional
steps are given in “Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site”
on page 3-9. The Quick Configuration facility has three steps.
The seven basic steps are:
Assign a unique name to the unit.
Configure the IP address and subnet mask for the unit.
It is very important to assign a unique name and IP address to each unit.
Configure the ISDN network type, if required.
Set up the ISDN Numbers table to associate a remote unit name
with an ISDN number.
Set up the ISDN Autocall table to associate a unit IP address with
a remote unit name.
Set up the IP Routing table to associate an IP route with a unit
Enable IP routing.
The three Quick Configuration steps are:
Assign the unit name, configure the IP address, a valid network
subnet mask and the ISDN network type (if required).
Specify the ISDN number of the central site router.
Make a manual call to the central site router.
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Routing IP
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Routing IP
If the central site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
settings by entering CO STD
CAUTION: Do not reset the unit if has already been installed on the
network and configured to bridge or route IPX, and is required to
continue bridging or routing IPX.
CAUTION: If the unit has already been configured, and it is
necessary to keep some of the settings, take a note of the current
configuration settings and port type and put it in a safe, accessible
If the central site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
1 Press the [Return] key.
2 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
3 Enter CO STD
Do you wish to keep IP Addresses and ISDN parameters.
KEEP (Y/N)? is displayed at the command line. Enter N
This will ERASE all configurations. ERASE (Y/N) is
displayed. Enter Y
System will now reboot is displayed.
7 Follow the on-screen instructions.
8 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
9 Enter SAVE and then enter QUIT
10 Power-cycle the unit by removing and then refitting the power lead.
11 Follow the on-screen instructions.
12 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
Following the above sequence will ensure that the unit is reset to the
factory default configuration and that the unit database is empty.
Assign the Unit Name
The unit must be assigned a unique name. The unit software relies
on associating unit names with ISDN numbers and IP addresses for its
core functionality.
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type a unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters but note that the name is case-sensitive. Do not
include spaces in the unit name.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A unique port IP address and the network subnet mask are required
for the Ethernet port.
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the local network IP address.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type a number between 6 and 10 in the Port Hop Count field.
Increasing this setting from the default may help to prevent routing
problems in some cases.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Network Type
The ISDN network type parameter must be set to the correct ISDN
service, otherwise connections and data transmission over dial-up
ISDN links will not be possible. In the U.S.A., an additional customer
identification number, known as a Service Provider Identification
Number (SPID) may be required.
1 Enter CO IS PA to display the ISDN Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Network Type field, using the Spacebar, to the correct
ISDN network type as given by the service provider.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Routing IP
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate each remote unit name
with an ISDN number and an IP address. Central site autocalls rely on
each remote unit having a valid, unique IP address. Ensure that one is
entered for each remote unit.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name of the remote unit in the Name field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the ISDN number of the remote unit the ISDN Number 1 field.
5 Type an IP address of in the IP Address field if unnumbered
links are to be used.
Unnumbered links make the best use of available IP addresses.
6 Type a subnet mask of in the IP Mask field if unnumbered
links are to be used.
7 Type a number between 6 and 10 in the IP Hop Count field.
Increasing this setting from the default may help to prevent routing
problems, in some cases.
8 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN IP Autocall Table
Set up the ISDN Autocall table to associate the remote unit IP address
with the remote unit name in the central site unit’s ISDN IP Autocall
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to display the ISDN IP Autocall Addresses
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the Autocall table.
3 Type the IP address of the remote unit in the IP Address field.
4 Type the subnet mask of the remote network in the IP Mask field.
5 Type the name of the remote unit in the Remote Unit field. Ensure
that the name is correctly typed because this field is case-sensitive.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure IP Routing—“Static Route” Entries
IP routes which are manually entered into the IP Routing table are
called static routes. These routes are added to the routing table to
ensure that routes between units or the critical paths for important
applications are fully defined for management.
It is important to enter static routes when configuring the unit to use
unnumbered links because these routes will not be learned by the
Set up the IP Routing table to associate an IP route with a unit name.
1 Enter CO RO IP to display the Configured IP Routes screen.
2 Enter ADD to display the Add Routing Table Entry screen.
3 Type the IP address of the remote LAN in the Target field.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the remote network in the Subnet Mask
5 Type the name of the remote unit in the Router field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable IP Routing
IP routing must be enabled to allow the unit to function as an IP
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IP Routing field to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configuring a Remote Unit to Route IP
If the remote site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
Configuring a Remote Unit to Route IP
Follow the sequence of steps for resetting the unit as described in
“Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Routing IP” on
page 3-3.
Configuring a Unit Using the “Quick Configuration” Utility
If the central site unit has been configured, the Quick Configuration
utility can be used at the remote site to configure the remote site
Assign the Unit Name, IP Address and Subnet Mask
The remote unit must be assigned a unique name and a valid, unique
IP address. A valid subnet mask must be specified too. The name and
IP address must exactly match the entries in the central site unit’s
ISDN Numbers and ISDN Autocall tables for this remote unit. Set the
ISDN network type to match the ISDN service.
1 Enter QC NA to display the Unit Parameters screen.
2 Type a unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters. Do not include spaces in the unit name.
3 Type a valid IP address for the unit in the Unit LAN IP Address field.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Unit LAN IP Mask
5 Toggle the Network Type field to the correct ISDN network type using
the Spacebar, if required.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Connect to an IP Network
It is important that the central site router, to which the remote unit
will connect at the completion of this section, has been correctly
configured as an IP router prior to the connection.
1 Enter QC IPR to display the Connect To Another IP Network screen.
2 Type the number of the central site unit in the ISDN number of the
remote unit you want to call field.
The IP Address of this units LAN field and the IP Mask of this units
LAN field receive their settings from the data entered into the Unit
Parameters screen.
3 Leave the three fields for configuring the ISDN link set to
4 Leave the IP Address of the remote hosts network field and the IP
Mask of the remote hosts network field at the suggested defaults.
5 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
If the ISDN line has been correctly connected to the units and is
functioning correctly, an automatic call lasting approximately 90
seconds is made to the central site unit which allows both units to
add new entries to their ISDN Numbers and ISDN Autocall tables.
6 Press [Return] to continue.
7 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to check the entries in the IP Autocall table.
8 If there are no new entries in the ISDN Autocall table, check that the
name and ISDN number for the central site unit have been entered
correctly and then repeat steps 1–5 above.
9 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Test the ISDN Line
To check that the ISDN line is working, make a manual call. The
manual call also allows the remote unit to update its Routing and
Remote Unit tables, which are necessary for testing the operation of
the IP Autocall and ISDN Number tables.
1 Enter CALL followed by the central site number.
For example, if the ISDN number of the central site is 01642 123456,
then enter CALL 01642123456
2 Wait for approximately 90 seconds and then enter CANC followed by
the central site number.
For example, if the ISDN number of the central site is 01642 123456,
then enter CANC 01642123456
Test the IP Autocall and ISDN Numbers Tables
Before testing the IP Autocall and ISDN Number entries, a manual call
must be made as described above. The manual call allows the unit to
update its Remote Units and IP Routing tables.
1 Enter REM followed by the name of the central site unit to test that
the IP Autocall and ISDN Number table entries are correct. For
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
example, if the central site unit is named “london”, then enter REM
If the tables are working correctly and the ISDN lines are
functioning properly, then the Enter Password screen on the
central site unit will be displayed. Go to step 8, below.
2 If the Enter Password screen on the central site unit is not displayed
within 30 seconds, Press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the local unit
management system screens.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[V] to refresh the Remote Units screen.
4 If the central site unit name and IP address are not listed, make a
manual call of 5 minutes duration.
5 Enter CALL followed by the central site number.
6 While the call is up, press [Ctrl]+[V] at frequent intervals to refresh
the Remote Units screen. When the central site unit name appears,
cancel the manual call.
7 Enter CANC followed by the central site number. Follow step 1 in this
section for testing the IP Autocall and ISDN Number tables.
If the central site unit name is not listed on the Remote Units screen
after 5 minutes, carefully check the configuration of both the remote
and central site units. Ensure that IP routing has been enabled on
both units.
8 Enter QUIT to close the remote management session or press
[Ctrl]+[D] if that command cannot be used.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
A unit at a remote site can be remotely configured as an IP router.
The remote management and configuration capability allows the unit
to be configured from the central site, without the need for a
technician to travel to a remote site.
It is good practise to have ensured that the remote unit was restored
to the factory default settings before being despatched to the
remote site.
CAUTION: Prior to despatch, it is essential that the unit has the ISDN
the remote site.
Prior to Despatch
Power on the unit and follow the sequence of steps for resetting the
unit to the factory default configuration, as described in “Manual
Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Routing IP” on page 3-3.
Configure the ISDN network type to the correct setting for the
remote site, following the sequence of steps described in “Configure
the ISDN Network Type” on page 3-4.
When the unit is received at the remote site, ensure that it is
functioning ISDN line, using the supplied ISDN cable.
Configuring the Central Site Unit
The central site unit must be correctly configured with the following
Unit name (see page 3-4).
A valid IP address, subnet mask and hop count (see page 3-4).
The correct ISDN network type (see page 3-4).
An existing central site IP router only requires IP routing to be
temporarily disabled, the remote site unit parameters to be added to
the ISDN Numbers and ISDN Autocall tables and a static return route
to be entered into the IP Routing table, prior to configuring the
remote unit.
Disable Routing on the Central Site Unit
It is not possible to remotely configure a unit while the central site is
routing IP packets. IP routing must be disabled on the central site unit
before the remote unit can be configured as an IP router.
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IP Routing field to DISABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table on the Central Site Unit
The ISDN Numbers table entry on the central site unit must be
completed with the name that the remote unit will have, once that
unit has been fully configured.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to display the Edit ISDN Number screen.
3 Type the name assigned to the remote unit in the Name field and the
ISDN number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
4 Type an IP address of in the IP Address field if unnumbered
links are to be used. Using unnumbered links is recommended for the
most economical use of IP addresses.
5 Type a subnet mask of in the IP Mask field if unnumbered
links are to be used.
6 Type a number between 6 and 10 in the IP Hop Count field.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Autocall Table on the Central Site Unit
The ISDN Autocall table entry must be completed with the IP address
and subnet mask which the remote unit will have, once that unit has
been fully configured.
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to display the ISDN IP Autocall Addresses
2 Enter ADD to display the Edit ISDN IP Autocall Address screen.
3 Type the IP address assigned to the remote unit in the IP Address
4 Type the subnet mask of the remote network in the IP Mask field.
5 Type the name assigned to the remote router in the Remote Unit.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure IP Routing—“Static Route” Entries
IP routes which are manually entered into the IP Routing table are
called static routes. These routes are added to the routing table to
ensure that routes between units or the critical paths for important
applications are fully defined for management.
It is important to enter static routes when configuring the unit to use
unnumbered links because these routes will not be learned by the
unit. Static routes must be entered at both ends of the link.
Set up the IP Routing table to associate an IP route with a unit name.
1 Enter CO RO IP to display the Configured IP Routes screen.
2 Enter ADD to display the Add Routing Table Entry screen.
3 Type the IP address of the remote LAN in the Target field.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the remote network in the Subnet Mask
5 Type the name of the remote unit in the Router field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Establish a Remote Management Session
A manual call must be placed before the remote configuration of the
remote unit can proceed.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers table.
2 Select the entry for the remote unit using the Arrow keys and enter
3 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen. Refresh the screen by
pressing [Ctrl]+[D] at regular intervals until an entry for NoName
4 Select the NoName entry using the Arrow keys and enter
5 The Enter Password screen of the remote unit should be displayed
within 30 seconds.
If the Enter Password screen is not displayed, check that the name
and IP address for the remote unit have been entered correctly on
the central site unit and that the ISDN line is connected and
working normally at both ends of the link.
6 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Configuring the Remote Unit
Assign the Unit Name
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type in the name assigned to the unit in the Unit Name field. The
name must be exactly the same as that used to configure the central
site unit ISDN Numbers table.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
Changing the IP address during the remote management session
causes the session to be disconnected when the new IP address is
submitted. This is normal.
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type the IP address assigned to the unit in the Port IP Address field.
The IP address must be exactly the same as that used to configure the
central site unit ISDN Autocall table.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type a number between 6 and 10 in the Port Hop Count field.
Increasing this setting from the default may help to prevent routing
problems, in some cases.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
Submitting the IP address causes the remote management session to
disconnect immediately.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the central site unit management screens.
8 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen and press [Ctrl]+[V] to
refresh the screen.
9 Select the entry for the remote unit using the Arrow keys. Note that
the entry now contains the remote unit name and IP address.
10 Enter REM to establish a new remote management session.
11 Enter PASSWORD at the Enter Password screen.
12 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the central site unit name
with its ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add an entry to the ISDN Numbers table.
3 Type the name assigned to the remote unit in the Name field and the
ISDN number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type an IP address of in the IP Address field if unnumbered
links are to be used. Using unnumbered links is recommended for the
most economical use of IP addresses.
5 Type a subnet mask of in the IP Mask field if unnumbered
links are to be used.
6 Type a number between 6 and 10 in the IP Hop Count field.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Autocall Table
Set up the ISDN Autocall table to associate the central site unit IP
address with its name.
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IP to display the ISDN IP Autocall Addresses
2 Enter ADD to add an entry to the ISDN IP Autocall table.
3 Type the name of the central site unit in the Remote Unit field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the IP address of the central site unit in the IP Address field.
5 Type the subnet mask of the central site network in the IP Mask field.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Configure IP Routing—“Static Return Route” Entry
It is important to enter a static return route when configuring the
remote unit to use unnumbered links because these routes will not
be learned by the unit. The static return route must be entered
before IP routing is enabled otherwise the return route to the central
site unit will not be established.
Set up the IP Routing table to associate an IP route with a unit name.
1 Enter CO RO IP to display the Configured IP Routes screen.
2 Enter ADD to display the Add Routing Table Entry screen.
3 Type the IP address of the central site LAN in the Target field.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the central site network in the Subnet
Mask field.
5 Type the name of the central site unit in the Router field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable Routing on the Remote Unit
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IP Routing field to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
Submitting the new setting turns IP routing on, which immediately
disconnects the remote management session.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the central site unit management session.
5 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen. Select the
remote unit entry.
6 Enter CANC to cancel the manual call.
Although the remote site configuration has not been permanently
saved, the unit is functioning as an IP router.
Enable Routing on the Central Site Unit
The central site unit can now have IP routing re-enabled.
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IP Routing field to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Save the Remote Unit Configuration
Both of the units must be correctly configured and functioning as IP
routers for the new configuration of the remote unit to be saved.
1 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen on the central site unit.
2 Select the remote unit entry and enter REM to establish a remote
management session with the remote unit.
If the units are successfully routing IP packets, then the Enter
Password screen of the remote unit is displayed within 30
3 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) to access the remote unit
management screens.
4 Save the new configuration by entering SAVE
Close the Remote Management Session
1 Enter QUIT to close the remote management session.
The Remote Units screen on the central site unit is displayed.
Cancel the Manual Call
It is important to remember that a manual call is still running from
the initial connection to the remote unit. The call must be cancelled
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Select the entry for the remote site unit and enter CANC to cancel the
3 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
All manual calls must be cancelled when the unit configuration is
complete. A “call guillotine” operates after 60 minutes (the default
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
setting) to cancel the calls but additional, unnecessary, call charges
will have accrued.
Cancelling Calls
To cancel all of the ISDN calls, follow the sequence of steps described
in “Cancelling ISDN Calls” on page 2-13.
This chapter shows how to configure units to bridge Internet Packet
Exchange (IPX) Protocol data packets between two networks, using
Note that the IPX protocol, although similarly named, is completely
different from the Internet Protocol (IP) and must not be confused
with it.
Configuration steps are given for:
Manual configuration of the central site unit.
Quick Configuration of the remote unit.
Remote configuration of the remote unit from the central site.
Novell IPX Bridging
Novell Netware® has a software router built into the Novell server
that leads to an internal network which links the file server and other
services. The presence of this internal software router means that a
Novell Netware network can never be an entirely bridged network,
“bridging” actually takes place only between networks that have the
same Novell network number.
Configuration Options
When configuring a unit to bridge IPX packets using a dial-up ISDN
link between a central site and one or more remote sites, it is
recommended that the central site should be configured manually
The central site unit cannot be automatically configured using the
Quick Configuration facility of the unit because this facility requires a
ready-configured unit to act as a reference point.
The Quick Configuration facility should only be used at a remote site.
Alternatively, the remote site unit can be configured by utilizing the
remote configuration facility (REM) of the central site unit.
The steps below are intended as an outline of the sequence for
configuring a unit for bridging and IPX. They are for guidance only
and must be used in conjunction with the full description given in the
following pages.
There are four basic steps required for manual configuration of a unit
for bridging and IPX. The sequence for remote configuration of a unit
necessitates a different sequence with additional steps. The
additional steps are given in “Configuring a Remote Unit from the
Central Site” on page 4-7. The Quick Configuration facility has two
The five basic steps are:
Assign a unique name to the unit.
Configure a unique, valid IP address for the unit.
It is very important to assign a unique name and IP address to each unit.
It is good practise to configure a valid subnet mask for the unit.
Although this step is not absolutely necessary, it is recommended.
Configure the ISDN network type, if required.
Set up the ISDN Numbers table to associate a remote unit name
with an ISDN number.
The Quick Configuration steps are:
Assign the unit name, configure the IP address, the network
subnet mask and the ISDN network type.
Specify the ISDN number of the central site unit.
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IPX
Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IPX
The central site unit becomes the main host/node for bridging.
CAUTION: Do not reset the unit if has already been installed on the
network and configured to bridge or route IP, and is required to
continue bridging or routing IP.
CAUTION: If the unit has already been configured, and it is
necessary to keep some of the settings, take a note of the current
configuration settings and port type and put it in a safe, accessible
If the central site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
1 Press the [Return] key.
2 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
3 Enter CO STD
Do you wish to keep IP Addresses and ISDN parameters.
KEEP (Y/N)? is displayed at the command line. Enter N
This will ERASE all configurations. ERASE (Y/N) is
displayed. Enter Y
System will now reboot is displayed.
7 Follow the on-screen instructions.
8 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
9 Enter SAVE and then enter QUIT
10 Power-cycle the unit by removing and then refitting the power lead.
11 Follow the on-screen instructions.
12 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
Following the above sequence will ensure that the unit is reset to the
factory default configuration and that the unit database is empty.
Assign the Unit Name
The unit must be assigned a unique name. The unit software relies
on associating unit names with ISDN numbers and IP addresses for its
core functionality.
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type a unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters but note that the name is case-sensitive. Do not
include spaces in the unit name.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A unique port IP address and the network subnet mask are required
for the Ethernet port (for management of the unit), even if the
network is always entirely connected within a non-IP Netware
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the local LAN IP address.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type the IPX network number for the LAN on which the unit is sited
in the Port IPX Network field.
6 Toggle the setting of the IPX Frame Type field, using the Spacebar, to
the correct frame type for the network.
The frame type must be correct for the network environment in which
the unit is operating. If the frame type is not correct, the unit will not
pass data. Contact the network administrator for more information
about the frame type used.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Network Type
The ISDN network type parameter must be set to the correct ISDN
service, otherwise connections and data transmission over dial-up
Configuring a Remote Unit for Bridging and IPX
ISDN links will not be possible. In the U.S.A., an additional customer
identification number, known as a Service Provider Identification
Number (SPID) may be required.
1 Enter CO IS PA to display the ISDN Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Network Type field, using the Spacebar, to the correct
ISDN network type as given by the service provider.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
It is good practise to set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the
remote unit name with an ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name of the remote unit in the Name field and the ISDN
number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Do not alter the IP Address, IP Mask or IPX Network fields.
Configuring a Remote Unit for Bridging and IPX
If the remote site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
Follow the sequence of steps for resetting the unit as described in
“Manual Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IPX”
on page 4-3.
Configuring a Unit Using the “Quick Configuration” Utility
If the central site unit has been configured, the Quick Configuration
utility can be used to at the remote site to configure the remote site
Assign the Unit Name, IP Address and Subnet Mask
The remote unit must be assigned a unique name and IP address. A
valid subnet mask must be specified too. The name and IP address
must exactly match the entries in the central site unit’s ISDN Numbers
and ISDN Autocall tables for this remote unit. Set the ISDN network
type to match the ISDN service.
The unit IP address and subnet mask are required (for management
of the unit) even if the network is always entirely connected within a
non-IP Netware environment.
1 Enter QC NA to display the Unit Parameters screen.
2 Type a unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters but do not include spaces in the unit name.
3 Type a valid IP address for the unit in the Unit LAN IP Address field.
4 Type the subnet mask for the network in the Unit LAN IP Mask field.
5 Toggle the Network Type field to the correct ISDN network type using
the Spacebar, if required.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Connect to a Novell Network
It is important that the central site unit, to which the remote unit will
connect at the completion of this section, has been correctly
configured for IPX and bridging prior to the connection.
1 Enter QC NO to display the Connect To Novell Network screen.
2 Toggle the Do you have a local server field to the correct value using
the Spacebar.
3 Type the number of the central site unit in the ISDN number of the
remote unit you want to call field.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
When the configuration parameters have been submitted, the
remote unit automatically makes an ISDN call to the central site unit
lasting around 90 seconds. It makes this call to learn the NRIPs and
SAPs being advertised by the Netware Server.
Although the unit is bridging it is using the information gathered to
build the IPX Autocall Table. After the 90 second call has cleared,
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
there should be NSAP entries, NRIP entries and Autocall entries in the
5 Press [Return] to continue the unit configuration.
It is normal that no NRIP or NSAP table entries are added on the
remote unit.
6 Enter CO IS AUTO IPX to check the entries in the IPX Autocall table.
7 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Whether or not the SAP entries have nearest server as an entry
under options is dependent on whether or not the local server field
in the Connect To Novell Network screen was set to Yes or No.
If there several SAP entries in the IPX Autocall Table with the Bridge
Parameters Nearest Server field set to Enabled, the entries can be
edited to show only one nearest server entry, which will then receive
the Get Nearest Server requests from a Novell client workstation.
If none of the entries in the IPX Autocall table have a Nearest
Server entry and there is no local server, the Novell client will not
receive a GNS response and it will fail to log on to any server.
If the IPX Autocall table has a 1 in the hops field, it indicates the
presence of the software router in the Novell server. This parameter
confirms that IPX packets are never truly bridged because a true
bridging environment shows the number of hops as zero.
Test the IPX Autocall Table
To test that the IPX Autocall table is functioning correctly, run a
Novell client on a computer at the remote site to see if that client can
access the server located at the central site.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
A unit at a remote site can be remotely configured for IPX and
bridging. The remote management and configuration capability
allows the unit to be configured from the central site, without the
need for a technician to travel to a remote site.
It is good practise to have ensured that the remote unit was restored
to the factory default settings before being despatched to the
remote site.
CAUTION: Prior to despatch, it is essential that the unit has the ISDN
Network Type field configured to match the ISDN network type at
the remote site.
Prior to Despatch
Power on the unit and follow the sequence of steps for resetting the
unit to the factory default configuration, as described in “Manual
Configuration of a Central Site Unit for Bridging and IPX” on
page 4-3.
Configure the ISDN network type to the correct setting for the
remote site, following the sequence of steps described in “Configure
the ISDN Network Type” on page 4-4.
When the unit is received at the remote site, ensure that it is
Configuring the Central Site Unit
The central site unit must be correctly configured with the following
Unit name (see page 4-4).
A valid IP address and subnet mask (see page 4-4).
The IPX network number (see page 4-4).
The IPX frame type (see page 4-4).
The correct ISDN network type (see page 4-4).
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table on the Central Site Unit
A new entry must be added to the ISDN Numbers table on the central
site unit, giving the name that the remote unit will have once that unit
has been fully configured, and the ISDN number for the unit.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name assigned to the remote unit in the Name field and the
ISDN number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Do not alter the IP Address, IP Mask or IPX Network fields.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Establish a Remote Management Session
A manual call must be placed before the configuration of the remote
unit can proceed.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers table.
2 Select the entry for the remote unit using the Arrow keys and enter
3 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen. Press [Ctrl]+[V] at regular
intervals to refresh the screen, until an entry for NoName
4 Select the NoName entry using the Arrow keys and enter
5 The Enter Password screen on the remote unit should be displayed
within 30 seconds.
If the Enter Password screen is not displayed, check that the name
and IPX network address for the remote unit have been entered
correctly on the central site unit and that the ISDN line is
connected and working normally at both ends of the link.
6 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
Configuring the Remote Unit
Assign the Unit Name
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type the name assigned to the unit in the Unit Name field. The name
must be exactly the same as that used to configure the central site
unit ISDN Numbers table.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A unique port IP address and the network subnet mask are required
for the Ethernet port (for management of the unit, even if the network
is always entirely connected within a non-IP Netware environment).
Changing the IP address during the remote management session
causes the session to be disconnected when the new IP address is
submitted. This is normal.
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the network IP address.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type the IPX network number in the Port IPX Network field. This must
be the same number as the central site LAN or LAN segment, or IPX
and bridging will not work.
6 Use the Spacebar to toggle the setting of the IPX Frame Type field to
the correct frame type for the network.
The frame type must be correct for the network environment in which
the unit is operating. If the frame type is not correct, the unit will not
pass data. Contact the network administrator for more information
about the frame type used.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
8 Submitting the new settings causes the remote management session
to disconnect immediately. This is normal.
9 Press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the central site unit management screens.
10 If the Remote Units screen is not displayed, enter REM to display it.
The remote unit entry should now contain the remote unit name and
IP address.
11 Select the remote unit and enter REM
12 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
13 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the central site unit name
with its ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the ISDN Numbers table.
3 Type the name assigned to the central site unit in the Name field and
the ISDN number for that unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
Do not alter the IP Address, IP Mask or IPX Network fields.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable NRIP/SAP Learning
RIP/SAP learning has to be enabled to allow the IPX Autocall table to
be constructed.
1 Enter CO BR PA to display the Filter Parameters screen. Toggle the
Learn Novell RIP/SAP field to ENABLE using the Spacebar.
2 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Build the IPX Autocall Table
The IPX Autocall table will not be constructed if RIP/SAP learning has
not been enabled.
Make a manual call to the central site.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers table.
2 Select the entry for the central site unit using the Arrow keys and
enter CALL
This call is made to allow the unit to receive NRIP and NSAP updates
being advertised by the Novell server at the central site, which are
essential for the IPX Autocall table construction.
Enter CO IS AUTO IPX to monitor the construction of the IPX Autocall
table. Press [Ctrl]+[V] at regular intervals to refresh the screen.
The manual call will last for approximately 90 seconds to enable the
unit to receive all of the information which it requires.
3 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers table.
4 Select the entry for the central site unit and enter CANC
5 Save the new configuration by entering SAVE
Nearest Server
The nearest server parameter must be enabled.
1 Enter CO IS AUTO IPX to display the ISDN IPX Autocall table.
2 Select the SAP entry using the Arrow keys and enter ED
3 Select the BRIDGE PARAMETERS Nearest Server entry using the
[Tab} key and toggle the setting to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
4 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Disable NRIP/SAP Learning
RIP/SAP learning has to be disabled when the IPX Autocall table has
been constructed.
1 Enter CO BR PA to display the Filter Parameters screen. Toggle the
Learn Novell RIP/SAP field to DISABLE using the Spacebar.
2 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Close the Remote Management Session
1 Enter QUIT to terminate the remote configuration session. Press
[Ctrl]+[D] if this command is not available.
The Remote Units screen on the central site unit is displayed.
Cancel the Manual Call
It is important to remember that a manual call is still running from
the initial connection to the remote unit. The call must be cancelled
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
3 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
All manual calls must be cancelled when the unit configuration is
complete. A “call guillotine” operates after 60 minutes (the default
setting) to cancel the calls but during this time additional,
unnecessary, call charges will have accrued.
To ensure that all ISDN calls are cancelled, follow the sequence of
steps described in “Cancelling ISDN Calls” on page 2-13.
It is good practise to enter SAVE to save the “new” configuration.
Test the IPX Autocall Table
To test that the IPX Autocall table is functioning correctly, run a
Novell client on a computer at the remote site to see if that client can
access the server located at the central site.
Cancelling Calls
To cancel all of the ISDN calls, follow the sequence of steps described
in “Cancelling ISDN Calls” on page 2-13.
This chapter shows how to configure units to route Internet Packet
Exchange (IPX) Protocol data packets between two networks, using
Note that the IPX protocol, although similarly named, is completely
different from the Internet Protocol (IP), which was covered in
Chapter 3, and must not be confused with it.
Configuration steps are given for:
Manual configuration of the central site router.
Manual configuration of the remote router.
Remote configuration of the remote router from the central site.
Novell IPX Routing
IPX routing is necessary for transferring data between two Novell
Netware® networks which have different IPX network numbers.
Configuration Options
When configuring a unit to route IPX packets using a dial-up ISDN
link between a central site and one or more remote sites, the central
site should be configured manually first.
The Quick Configuration facility is not recommended for configuring
IPX routing.
The remote site unit should be configured manually, either by direct
cable connection to the serial manager port, or by utilizing the
remote configuration facility (REM) of the central site unit.
Outline of Configuration Procedure
The steps below are intended as an outline of the sequence for
configuring a unit for routing IPX. They are for guidance only and
must be used in conjunction with the full description given in the
following pages.
There are seven basic steps required for manual configuration of a
unit as an IPX router. There is a different sequence for remote
configuration with additional steps. The additional steps are given in
“Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site” on page 5-9.
The seven basic steps are:
Assign a unique name to the unit.
Configure a unique, valid IP address for the unit.
It is very important to assign a unique name and IP address to each unit.
It is good practise to configure a valid subnet mask for the unit.
Although this step is not absolutely necessary, it is recommended.
Configure the ISDN network type, if required.
Set up the ISDN Numbers table to associate a remote unit name
with an ISDN number.
Enable IPX routing.
Enable NRIP/SAP learning.
Make a manual call to the central site router (remote site only).
Configuring a Central Site Unit for Routing IPX
If the central site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then enter CO STD to reset the unit to
the factory default settings.
CAUTION: Do not reset the unit if has already been installed on the
network and configured to bridge or route IP, and is required to
continue bridging or routing IP.
CAUTION: If the unit has already been configured, and it is
necessary to keep some of the settings, take a note of the current
Configuring a Central Site Unit for Routing IPX
configuration settings and port type and put it in a safe, accessible
If the central site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
1 Press the [Return] key.
2 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
3 Enter CO STD
Do you wish to keep IP Addresses and ISDN parameters.
KEEP (Y/N)? is displayed at the command line. Enter N
This will ERASE all configurations. ERASE (Y/N) is
displayed. Enter Y
System will now reboot is displayed.
7 Follow the on-screen instructions.
8 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
9 Enter SAVE and then enter QUIT
10 Power-cycle the unit by removing and then refitting the power lead.
11 Follow the on-screen instructions.
12 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
Following the above sequence will ensure that the unit is reset to the
factory default configuration and that the unit database is empty.
Assign the Unit Name
The unit must be assigned a unique name. The unit software relies
on associating unit names with ISDN numbers for its core
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type a unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to 12 characters but note that the name is case-sensitive. Do not
include spaces in the unit name.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A unique port IP address and the network subnet mask are required
for the Ethernet port (for management of the unit), even if the
network is always entirely connected within a non-IP Netware
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the local network IP address.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type the IPX network number for the LAN on which the unit is sited
in the Port IPX Network field.
6 Toggle the setting of the IPX Frame Type field, using the Spacebar, to
the correct frame type for the network.
The frame type must be correct for the network environment in which
the unit is operating. If the frame type is not correct, the unit will not
pass data. Contact the network administrator for more information
about the frame type used.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Network Type
The ISDN network type parameter must be set to the correct ISDN
service, otherwise connections and data transmission over dial-up
ISDN links will not be possible. In the U.S.A., an additional customer
identification number, known as a Service Provider Identification
Number (SPID) may be required.
1 Enter CO IS PA to display the ISDN Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Network Type field, using the Spacebar, to the correct
ISDN network type as given by the service provider.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configuring a Central Site Unit for Routing IPX
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate each remote unit name
with an ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name of the remote unit in the Name field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the ISDN number of the remote unit in the ISDN Number 1 field.
It is very important to remember that Novell IPX routing uses numbered
links. This means that the ISDN line between this unit and a remote site
represents an additional Novell network and has to be assigned a valid
Novell network number.
5 Type the IPX network address of the numbered link in the IPX
Network field, not the IPX network address of the remote unit.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable IPX Routing
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IPX Routing field to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable Novell RIP/SAP Learning
Novell RIP/SAP learning must be enabled at both ends of the link.
1 Enter CO BR PA to display the Filter Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Learn Novell RIP/SAP field to ENABLE using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
The central site unit is now ready for routing the Novell IPX protocol.
Configuring a Remote Unit to Route IPX
If the remote site unit is being configured for the first time, or if it is
an entirely new installation, then reset the unit to the factory default
Follow the sequence of steps for resetting the unit as described in
“Configuring a Central Site Unit for Routing IPX” on page 5-2.
Assign the Unit Name
The unit must be assigned a unique name. The unit software relies
on associating unit names with ISDN numbers for its core
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type in the name assigned to this remote unit in the Unit Name field.
The name must be exactly the same as that used when configuring the
central site unit ISDN Numbers table.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A unique port IP address and the network subnet mask are required
for the Ethernet port (for management of the unit), even if the
network is always entirely connected within a non-IP Netware
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the local network IP address.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type the IPX network number in the Port IPX Network field.
6 Toggle the setting of the IPX Frame Type field, using the Spacebar, to
the correct frame type for the network.
The frame type must be correct for the network environment in which
the unit is operating. If the frame type is not correct, the unit will not
Configuring a Remote Unit to Route IPX
pass data. Contact the network administrator for more information
about the frame type used.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Network Type
1 Enter CO IS PA to display the ISDN Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Network Type field to the correct ISDN network type as
given by the service provider.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable IPX Routing
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IPX Routing field to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the central site unit name
with an ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name of the central site unit in the Name field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the ISDN number of the central site unit in the ISDN Number 1
It is very important to remember that Novell IPX routing uses numbered
links. This means that the ISDN line between this unit and the central site
represents an additional Novell network and has to be assigned a valid
Novell network number.
5 Type the IPX network address of the numbered link in the IPX
Network field, not the IPX network address of the central site unit.
The IPX network number of the numbered link must be the same as
that entered for this link in the central site ISDN Numbers table.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable Novell RIP/SAP Learning
Novell RIP/SAP learning must be enabled at both ends of the link.
1 Enter CO BR PA to display the Filter Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Learn Novell RIP/SAP field to ENABLE using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
NRIP and SAP tables will be built automatically during normal operation
of the unit.
Manual Call
A manual call must be made to the central site unit to enable the IPX
Autocall table to be built automatically on the remote unit. This call is
made to allow the unit to receive NRIP and SAP updates being
advertised by the Novell server at the central site.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN numbers table, which was
configured earlier.
2 Select the central site unit entry and enter CALL
The manual call (which should last for approximately 10 minutes),
coupled with NRIP/SAP learning enabled, allows the IPX Autocall
table to be constructed.
Enter CO IS AUTO IPX to monitor the construction of the IPX
Autocall table. Press [Ctrl]+[V] at intervals to refresh the screen.
The manual call must be cancelled manually.
Wait until the entries in the IPX Autocall table screen have been
stable for several minutes.
3 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
4 Select the remote site entry and enter CANC to cancel the manual
Specific Server for 'Get Nearest Server' Responses
Although the purpose of the manual call is to construct the IPX
Autocall table automatically, the NRIP and SAP tables will have entries
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
too. In a large network, there will be a large number of entries in the
1 Enter CO RO NS to view the entries in the Novell IPX SAP table.
2 Enter CO RO NR to view the entries in the Novell IPX RIP table.
If there are two or more servers listed in the Novell IPX SAP table but
only one is required, a specific server can be configured to respond to
Novell clients’ Get Nearest Server requests.
1 Enter CO RO NE to display the IPX Nearest Server screen.
2 Enter ADD and type in the name of the specific Novell server. This
name must be exactly the same as that displayed in the SAP table.
Novell server names are case-sensitive.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
4 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
5 Move the cursor to the IPX Nearest Servers field and toggle the
setting to INCLUSIVE_LIST using the Spacebar.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
No Specific Server for GNS Responses
If no specific server is required, the entry in the SAP table with the
lowest hop count is used.
1 Enter CO RO NS to display the Novell IPX SAP screen which shows the
number of hops to each server.
The hop count in the NRIP table is the same as the hop count in the
SAP table.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
A unit at a remote site can be remotely configured for IPX and bridging.
The remote management and configuration capability allows the unit to
be configured from the central site, without the need for a technician to
travel to a remote site.
It is good practise to have ensured that the remote unit was restored
to the factory default settings before being despatched to the
remote site.
CAUTION: Prior to despatch, it is essential that the unit has the ISDN
the remote site.
Prior to Despatch
Power on the unit and follow the sequence of steps for resetting the
unit to the factory default configuration, as described in
“Configuring a Central Site Unit for Routing IPX” on page 5-2.
Configure the ISDN network type to the correct setting for the
remote site, following the sequence of steps described in “Configure
the ISDN Network Type” on page 5-4.
When the unit is received at the remote site, ensure that it is
Configuring the Central Site Unit
The central site unit must be correctly configured with the following
Unit name (see page 5-3).
A valid IP address and subnet mask (see page 5-4).
The IPX network number (see page 5-4).
The IPX frame type (see page 5-4).
The correct ISDN network type (see page 5-4).
An existing central site IPX router only requires IPX routing to be
temporarily disabled and the remote site unit parameters to be
added to the ISDN Numbers table, prior to configuring the remote
Enable Novell RIP/SAP Learning
Novell RIP/SAP learning must be enabled at both ends of the link.
1 Enter CO BR PA to display the Filter Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Learn Novell RIP/SAP field to ENABLE using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table on the Central Site Unit
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the name which the remote
unit will have once it has been configured, with the ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name that the remote unit will have in the Name field.
4 Type the ISDN number for the remote unit in the ISDN Number 1
It is very important to remember that Novell IPX routing uses numbered
links. This means that the ISDN line between this unit and a remote site
represents an additional Novell IPX network and has to be assigned a valid
Novell IPX network number.
5 Type the IPX network address of the numbered link in the IPX
Network field, not the IPX network address of the remote unit.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Establish a Remote Management Session
A manual call must be placed before the remote configuration of the
remote unit can proceed.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers table.
2 Highlight the entry for the remote unit and enter CALL
3 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen. Press [Ctrl]+[V] at regular
intervals to refresh the screen, until an entry for NoName
4 Select the NoName entry using the Arrow keys and enter
5 The Enter Password screen on the remote unit should be displayed
within 30 seconds.
If the Enter Password screen is not displayed, check that the name
and IP address for the remote unit have been entered correctly on
the central site unit and that the ISDN line is connected and
working normally at both ends of the link.
6 Enter PASSWORD (in upper-case letters) when the Enter Password
screen is displayed.
Configuring the Remote Unit
Changing the IP address during the remote management session will
cause the session to be disconnected when the new address is
submitted. This is normal.
Assign the Unit Name
The unit must be assigned a unique name. The unit software relies
on associating unit names with ISDN numbers for its core
1 Enter CO SYS to display the System Parameters screen.
2 Type in the name assigned to this remote unit in the Unit Name field.
The name must be exactly the same as that used when configuring the
central site unit ISDN Numbers table.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Configure the Ethernet Port
A unique port IP address and the network subnet mask are required
for the Ethernet port (for management of the unit), even if the
network is always entirely connected within a non-IP Netware
1 Enter CO PO to display the Port Configuration screen.
2 Select the LAN1 port using the Arrow keys and enter ED to display
the Edit Ethernet Port screen.
3 Type a valid, unique IP address for the unit in the Port IP Address
field. Do not type the local network IP address.
4 Type a valid subnet mask for the network in the Port IP Mask field.
5 Type the IPX network number in the Port IPX Network field.
6 Toggle the setting of the IPX Frame Type field, using the Spacebar, to
the correct frame type for the network.
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
The frame type must be correct for the network environment in which
the unit is operating. If the frame type is not correct, the unit will not
pass data. Contact the network administrator for more information
about the frame type used.
7 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting.
The remote configuration session is disconnected when the new
settings are submitted. Note that the configuration has not been
permanently saved.
8 Press [Ctrl]+[D] to return to the central site unit management screens.
9 If the Remote Units screen is not displayed, enter REM to display it.
The Remote Units screen should now contain the remote unit name
and IP address.
10 Select the remote unit using the Arrow keys and then enter REM
11 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
12 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Configure the ISDN Numbers Table
Set up the ISDN numbers table to associate the central site unit name
with an ISDN number.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen.
2 Enter ADD to add a new entry to the numbers table.
3 Type the name of the central site unit in the Name field.
Unit names are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly.
4 Type the ISDN number of the central site unit in the ISDN Number 1
It is very important to remember that Novell IPX routing uses numbered
links. This means that the ISDN line between this unit and the central site
represents an additional Novell network and has to be assigned a valid
Novell network number.
5 Type the IPX network address of the numbered link in the IPX
Network field, not the IPX network address of the central site unit.
The IPX network number of the numbered link must be the same as
that entered for this link in the central site ISDN Numbers table.
6 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Enable IPX Routing
1 Enter CO RO PA to display the Router Options screen.
2 Toggle the IPX Routing field to ENABLED using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
Submitting the new setting turns IPX routing on.
4 Enter QUIT to return to the central site unit management session.
5 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN Numbers screen. Use the Arrow
keys to select the remote unit entry.
6 Enter CANC to cancel the manual call.
7 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration at the central site.
Although the remote site configuration has not been permanently
saved, the unit is functioning as an IPX router.
Enable Novell RIP/SAP Learning
Novell RIP/SAP learning must be enabled at both ends of the link.
1 Enter CO BR PA to display the Filter Parameters screen.
2 Toggle the Learn Novell RIP/SAP field to ENABLE using the Spacebar.
3 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
NRIP and SAP tables will be built automatically during normal operation
of the unit.
The remote configuration of the remote unit will not be successful
unless Novell RIP/SAP learning has been enabled on both ends of the
Manual Call
A manual call must be made to the remote site unit to enable the IPX
Autocall table to be built automatically on the remote unit. This call is
Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site
made to allow the unit to receive NRIP and SAP updates being
advertised by the Novell IPX server at the central site.
1 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN numbers table.
2 Select the remote site unit entry using the Arrow keys and enter
3 Enter REM to display the Remote Units screen.
4 Select the remote site unit entry using the Arrow keys and enter REM
to establish a remote management session with the remote unit.
5 Enter PASSWORD when the Enter Password screen is displayed.
coupled with NRIP/SAP learning enabled, allows the IPX Autocall
table to be constructed automatically.
Enter CO IS AUTO IPX to monitor the construction of the IPX
Autocall table. Press [Ctrl]+[V] at intervals to refresh the display.
Wait until the entries in the IPX Autocall table screen have been
stable for several minutes.
If a specific server is required to respond to GNS requests, follow the
steps given in “Specific Server for 'Get Nearest Server' Responses” on
page 5-8.
6 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
7 Enter QUIT to cancel the remote management session.
8 Enter CO IS NU to display the ISDN numbers table on the central site
9 Select the entry for the remote site using the Arrow keys unit and
enter CANC
The manual call is not cancelled automatically; it must be cancelled
10 Enter SAVE to save the new configuration.
Test the IPX Autocall Table
To test that the IPX Autocall table is functioning correctly, run a
Novell client on a computer at the remote site to see if that client can
access the server located at the central site.
Cancelling Calls
To cancel all of the ISDN calls, follow the sequence of steps described
in “Cancelling ISDN Calls” on page 2-13.
This chapter gives the basic steps for configuring a simple
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection to an Internet Service
Provider (ISP). Configuring a PPP connection using numbered links is
a complex procedure and should only be attempted by experienced
networking technicians. The configuration is not covered in this
In order to establish a PPP connection, the unit must have been
configured with a unit name and a valid IP address and subnet mask.
The ISDN network type must be configured correctly to match the
ISDN service.
To configure these parameters:
1 Enter QC NA to display the Unit Parameters screen.
2 Type the unique name for the unit in the Unit Name field. It can have
up to twelve characters. Do not include spaces in the unit name.
3 Type a valid IP address for the unit in the Unit LAN IP Address field.
4 Toggle the Network Type field to the correct ISDN network type using
the Spacebar, if required.
5 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new setting and then enter SAVE
A number of essential parameters have to be supplied by the Internet
Service Provider before configuration can be completed.
The parameters which have to be supplied by the ISP are:
The Internet Service Provider’s name.
The ISDN number to call at the ISP.
The ISDN call type.
The name or (any) ID required to login to the ISP router.
The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) passwords required
to login to the ISP router. It is essential that the ISP specifies which
of these are used by their router.
Configuring a PPP Connection
A PPP connection can be most easily configured using the Quick
Configuration facility of the unit.
1 Enter QC IN to display the Connect To Another PPP IP Router screen.
Provider or remote site field. This field is for reference only.
3 Type the ISDN number for the ISP the ISDN number of the remote
unit you want to call field.
type specified by the ISP.
5 If the unit LAN port has already been configured, then the IP Address
of this unit’s LAN port field will contain that address.
If the LAN port has not been configured, please refer to Chapter
3 for details on how to configure the unit as an IP router.
6 If the unit LAN port has already been configured, then the IP Mask of
this unit’s LAN port field will contain the subnet mask.
If the LAN port has not been configured, please refer to Chapter
3 for details on how to configure the unit as an IP router.
It is good practise to configure the PPP connection over ISDN to use
unnumbered links because this makes best use of available IP
addresses and is simple to configure.
7 To configure the PPP connection to the ISP to use unnumbered links,
leave the following three fields set to UNNUMBERED:
IP Address of this end of the ISDN link.
IP Address of the remote end of the ISDN link.
IP Mask of the ISDN link.
8 For simple connections to the ISP, where all IP traffic goes to the
Internet, leave the IP Address of the remote hosts network field set to
9 For simple connections to the ISP, where all IP traffic goes to the
Internet, leave the IP Mask of the remote hosts network field set to
10 For simple connections to the Internet, leave the Manufacturer of
remote router field set to Default. This field only needs to be
changed if the unit has also been configured as an IPX router. See the
Software Reference for more details in this case.
11 Type the user ID allocated for the authentication protocol used by the
ISP in the ID to log into remote site field. Take care to enter the user
ID exactly as given because this field is case-sensitive.
The authentication protocol specified by the ISP determines which
one of password fields needs to be set. Occasionally, both a PAP and
a CHAP password are supplied. In this case, both fields must be
completed correctly.
12 If the ISP has supplied a PAP password, type the password in the PAP
Password to log into remote site field. Note that the password must
be entered exactly as given because this field is case-sensitive.
13 If the ISP has supplied a CHAP password, type the password in the CHAP
Password to log into remote site field. Note that the password must be
entered exactly as given because this field is case-sensitive.
Internet Service Providers may use either, or both, forms of user
authentication. No successful connection to the ISP will be possible
unless these parameters are configured correctly.
14 Press [Ctrl]+[E] to submit the new settings and then enter SAVE
If the ISP has already established an account then the PPP connection
can be tested by using “Ping” to send test IP packets to an Internet
4-10, 5-3, 5-6, 5-12
ISDN network type 5-4
4-11, 5-5, 5-7, 5-11, 5-13
basic steps
routing IP 3-2
bridging IP 2-1
configuration options 2-1
configuring the central site 2-3
bridging IPX
remote configuration 4-7
IPX bridging 4-1
central site
bridging IP configuration 2-3
bridging IPX configuration 4-3
enabling IP routing 3-16
IP routing configuration 3-3
IPX routing configuration 5-2
ISDN autocall table 2-9, 3-5
ISDN numbers table 2-9, 3-5, 4-9
setting up prior to remote
configuration 5-10
disconnecting remote management
session 4-13
changing the ISDN network type 2-4
closing a remote management session 2-12
enabling IP routing 3-6
bridging IPX 4-1
central site for IPX routing 5-2
connecting to the remote unit 3-12
enabling IPX routing on central site 5-5
enabling Novell RIP/SAP learning 5-8
enabling NRIP/SAP learning 4-11, 5-5
establishing a remote management
session 2-10, 3-12, 4-9, 5-11
Ethernet port
central site prior to remote
configuration 2-9, 3-11
configuration 2-5, 3-5
configuration 2-4, 2-11, 3-4, 3-13,
4-4, 4-10, 5-4, 5-6, 5-12
ISDN line
ISDN network type 2-4, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4
Get Nearest Server
specific server for responses 5-8
central site prior to remote
configuration 2-9, 3-11
configuration 2-4, 3-5, 4-5, 5-5, 5-11
IP address
IP autocall table
cancelling 2-12, 3-16, 4-13
testing 2-7, 3-8
IP bridging 2-1, 2-5
remote configuration 2-8
IP network
IP routing 3-1
Novell IPX bridging 4-1
Novell network 4-6
configuration 3-6, 3-11, 3-15
disabling on central site 3-10
enabling 3-6
remote configuration of remote
unit 3-9
IPX autocall table
building on remote unit 4-11
building using manual call 5-8, 5-14
testing 4-7, 4-13, 5-16
IPX bridging
configuration 1-1, 6-1
connection 6-2
requirements 1-1, 6-1
configuration options 4-1
IPX routing
configuration 5-1
Quick Configuration
configuration options 5-1
configuring remote unit 5-6
enabling 5-5
assign unit name 2-6, 3-7, 4-6
bridging IP 2-6
bridging IPX 4-5
connecting to a Novell network 4-6
connecting to an IP network 2-6, 3-7
IP address 2-6, 3-7, 4-6
enabling on remote unit 5-14
remote configuration 5-9
ISDN autocall table 3-14
IP routing 3-7
remote configuration
bridging IPX 4-7
Ethernet port 3-13
testing ISDN numbers table 2-7, 3-8
IP routing 3-9
IPX routing 5-9
preparing central site 5-10
unit name 2-10, 3-13
remote management
remote management session
closing 2-12, 3-16
assigning 2-4, 2-10, 3-4, 3-13, 4-4,
disconnecting 4-13
establishing 5-11
remote unit
bridging IP 2-5
bridging IPX 4-5
building IPX autocall table 4-11
configuration 5-12
configuring IPX routing 5-6
enabling IPX routing 5-14
IP routing 3-6
Quick Configuration for bridging IP 2-6
saving configuration 3-16
remote unit table update 3-8
PPP 1-1, 6-1
RIP learning 4-11, 5-5, 5-10, 5-14
RIP learning, enabling 5-8
routing IP 3-1
basic steps 3-2
configuration options 3-1
routing IPX
central site configuration 5-2
routing table update 3-8
SAP learning 4-11, 5-5, 5-10, 5-14
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